Not sure if that's editing, directing, or the actress's own style, but she's out of sync in most scenes. Something to do with the spacing in the actress' line delivery, maybe? She's somehow out of sync with the rest of the cast, like there are pauses and the flow is often lost when she delivers her dialogue. The Shannara Chronicles: Czech Republic: Letopisy rodu Shannara: France: Les chroniques de Shannara: Germany: The Shannara Chronicles: Hungary (alternative title) Shannara: A jöv krónikája: India (English title) The Shannara Chronicles: Italy: Shannara: Japan (Japanese title) : Mexico: Las crónicas de. I feel these scenes are designed to make us like Eretria more, and while she's less jarring, it doesn't quite gel. #DystopianSurvival101Įretria saves the elves from the wolves-but not before we lose a red shirt. Heated metal is the wiser choice to stop infection over a branch that has dirt and germs and is basically an organic substance. Note: while surrounded by people with knives and swords. Meanwhile Wil is practicing his terrible medical knowhow-clearly this is why he wanted to study with a healer-by using a piece of wood on fire to close Crispin's leg wound. Also props to Princess Amberle for not stabbing the guy a few times just for the hell of it. After last week’s haphazard instalment, The Shannara Chronicles’ latest offering wisely opts to focus primarily on the rescue of Eretria but takes a slightly different approach to the other 439 occasions someone has required rescuing this series, thanks to the newly introduced town setting of Utopia: a human settlement dedicated to living. The girls take Cephelo with them as a hostage. She also took out the rest of the rovers with drugged drinks. While fleeing the Reaper, Amberle, Wil and Eretria take shelter in an Elvin outpost Ander and Slanter make a discovery.

Thankfully before he can rape her Eretria rocks up and boots him in the head. Note: If you are waiting for my Game of Thrones videos, I will be back with some new ones in a week or so I have to take a minor break for this coming week. Later he drags the Princess into the tent. Amberle, Wil and Eretria must overcome their differences in order to survive their quest, and the Reaper Ander seeks help in finding the Dagda Mor from an unlikely ally. While she's riding away, he gets his creep on and mentions his plans to sexually assault Amberle, which def gets under Eretria's skin. Amberle tries to negotiate with Eretria, offering her 20x whatever Cephelo did, but while Eretria considers the deal Cephelo rocks up and pays the girl, inspiring her to leave before he changes his mind.